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MessageSujet: Info Soldat   Info Soldat Icon_minitimeMer 07 Aoû 2013, 14:48

Salut les gars
J'aurai besoin d'info sur le soldat FARTHING DAVID
Serial no 35814938
Merci d'avance
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Messages : 1708
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2012
Age : 41
Localisation : la promenade des deux pins

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MessageSujet: Re: Info Soldat   Info Soldat Icon_minitimeMer 07 Aoû 2013, 15:10

Il c'est engagé le 3/7/44
Il est ur nara
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Messages : 1708
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2012
Age : 41
Localisation : la promenade des deux pins

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MessageSujet: Re: Info Soldat   Info Soldat Icon_minitimeMer 07 Aoû 2013, 15:16

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Se sauver ou périr
Se sauver ou périr

Messages : 2104
Date d'inscription : 09/01/2012
Age : 29
Localisation : Montreuil

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MessageSujet: Re: Info Soldat   Info Soldat Icon_minitimeMer 07 Aoû 2013, 20:23

Name: David Farthing
Birth Date: 28 Jun 1923
Death Date: 30 Jul 2000
Cemetery: Spring Hill Cemetery
Cemetery Address: 529 North Greenville Street Harrodsburg, KY 40330


David Farthing, 77, of 755 Keenon Road, died Sunday, July 30, 2000 at his residence.

Born June 28, 1923 in Madison County, he was the son of the late George and Cora Shelton Farthing.

He was a self-employed farmer, U. S. Army veteran, having served in World War II, and a member of Mayo Christian Church.

Survivors include: his wife, Juanita Tindale Farthing, Harrodsburg; one son, Gary J. Farthing, Harrodsburg; one daughter, Mrs. Linda Faye (Steven) Farthing Whitmer, Rochester, MN; six grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a sister, Daisey Gibson, and a son, Mark David Farthing.

Funeral services were held Wednesday, August 2, at the Alexander and Royalty Funeral Home with Bro. Jerry Perry And Bro. Claude Waldridge officiating. Burial was in Spring Hill Cemetery.

Pallbearers were Steve Peege, Glen Reynolds, Jimmy Sexton, Bill Robinson, Daniel Coblentz and Eddie Sanford. Honorary bearers were Allin Watts, George Bechtel, Lela Graham and Dorothy Johnston.

Memorial contributions are suggested to: Heritage Hospice, 337 W. Broadway, Danville, KY 40422; or to the American Parkinson?s Disease Association, 1250 Hylan Blvd., Staten Island, NY 10305.

(HH Thu Aug 3, 2000)

J'ai malheureusement rien de plus.
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MessageSujet: Re: Info Soldat   Info Soldat Icon_minitimeMer 07 Aoû 2013, 20:45

Merci les gars pour vos infos Wink 
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