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 Woodrow W. WEAN

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Messages : 1238
Date d'inscription : 03/06/2011
Age : 39
Localisation : Un peu partout...

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MessageSujet: Woodrow W. WEAN   Woodrow W. WEAN Icon_minitimeLun 6 Avr - 8:41

Je cherche toutes infos concernant Woodrow w WEAN, w-5487

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Messages : 1238
Date d'inscription : 03/06/2011
Age : 39
Localisation : Un peu partout...

Woodrow W. WEAN Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Woodrow W. WEAN   Woodrow W. WEAN Icon_minitimeLun 6 Avr - 17:37


après quelques premières recherches, j'ai pu trouver ces infos :

Woodrow W. Wean – 33495487

Residence: Alaska
Date of Enlistment: 27 December 1942
Place of Enlistment: Harrisburg Pennsylvania
Component of the Army: Selectees (Enlisted Men)
Branch: Unknown
Source of Army Personnel: Civil Life
Nativity: White, citizen
Year of Birth: 1922
Education: 4 years of high school
Civilian Occupation: Skilled mechanics and repairmen
Marital Status: Single, with dependents

Il aurait fait parti du 113th Cavalry Group ("The Redhorsers") et plus précisément au sein du 125th Cav Rcn Sq (Mecz), Troop "C".
Le 125th Cav Rcn Sq était composé seulement de 5 Officiers & 140 Soldats de rang.
L'unité aurait débarqué sur Omaha Beach à D-DAY +2 , soit le 8 Juin 1944.
Il auraient énormément souffert fin 1944

Citation :
On the night of November 22, 1944, C Troop, 125th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, entered the beet fields just west of Beeck, Germany with 135 Men. On the night of December 16, after the area had been secured, C Troop walked back out with 36 Troopers.

Il a reçu avec deux de ses camarades la bronze star pour avoir à eux trois repoussé une attaque allemande. Les faits se sont déroulés à Aachen en Sept 44.

Voici le Daily Action Report du 125th Cav Rcn Sq ce 12/09/1944 :

Citation :
12 Sep 44: (615390, vicinity of Aachen, Germany). The Squadron advanced to the NE protecting the right flank of the 30th Inf Div. only light opposition was encountered, small arms and MG fire. Numerous road blocks, mined and booby-trapped, were found. Our artillery was brought to bear on several enemy infantry targets with good results.

Both Rcn Troops were reinforced by one platoon of Assault Guns each, which helped out considerably in stubbornly defended positions. Several dug in Germans were found along a railroad running into Aachen. Artillery was requested from the 30th Div and they responded with several direct hits. Track location (645405)

Voici sa citation :

Citation :
Name: Technician 5th Grade Woodrow W. Wean, 33495487, Troop C
Act: For heroic achievement in action against the enemy in Germany on 12 September 1944. When the advance of his platoon was held up by a strong enemy rearguard force, Tec 5 Wean, with two other men, was sent out to knock out a machine gun nest and locate a mortar. Tec 5 Wean covered the advance of the two other men who accounted for the machine gun’s security. With their security gone, the machine gun crew tried to withdraw, was spotted by Tec 5 Wean and wiped out by the patrol. The enemy force, thinking there were more than three men, withdrew and the platoon was able to continue on its mission.
Reward: Bronze Star Medal per General Orders 60, Hq XIX Corps, 1 November 1944

celles de ses deux collègues :

Citation :
Name: Technician 5th Grade (then Pfc) Donald J. Gurney, 32677642, Troop C
Act: For heroic achievement against the enemy in France on 12 September 1944. When the advance of his platoon was held up by a strong enemy rearguard force, Tec 5 Gurnsey with two other men was sent out to knock out a machine gun nest and locate a mortar. He shot one of the enemy security guards for the machine gun, while the other men accounted for the rest. With their security gone, the crew of the machine gun tried to withdraw, but were shot by Tec 5 Gurnsey’s patrol. The enemy, believing there were more than three men, pulled out the rest of the force, enabling the platoon to continue on its mission.
Reward: Bronze Star Medal per General Orders 60, Hq XIX corps, 12 November 1944.

Citation :
Name: Technician 5th Grade Earl L. Talbert 20743833, Troop C
Act: For heroic achievement against the enemy in Germany on 12 September 1944. When the advance of his platoon was held up by a strong enemy rearguard force, Tec 5 Talbert, with two other men, was sent out to knock out a machine gun next and locate a mortar. Tec 5 Talbert crept up on the enemy security for the machine gun and killed two of them with a grenade. With their security gone, the enemy crew, thinking there were more than three men, tried to retreat, but were shot by the patrol. The remaining force of the enemy then withdrew, allowing Tec 5 Talbert’s platoon to continue forward.
Reward: Bronze Star Medal per General Orders 60, Hq XIX Corps, 12 November 1944.

si qqun a davantage d'info sur lui ou photos, je suis preneur !
Je vous posterai sous peu sa chemise en laine, avec son SN et son patch type german bevo wwii....  drunken
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